of Kostanay region
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КГКП «Аркалыкский казахский театр юного зрителя» Управления культуры акимата Костанайской области
Аркалыкский казахский театр юного зрителя открылся в 2001 году комедией М. Ауезова «Айман-Шолпан» (реж. Ж. Есенбеков). 2001 год запомнился как особый период в жизни театра. Впервые театр принял участие в фестивале театров в городе Петропавловск, на котором был награжден артист театра О. Койбагаров в номинации «Лучший дебют».
Kostanay Regional Kazakh Drama Theater. Ilyas Omarov
Regional Kazakh Drama Theater. I.Omarova was founded in 2000, in the “Year of Support of Culture”. The official opening was held on September 14, 2000, at which President Nursultan Nazarbayev attended. He wished the young theater creative success and good performances. The first performance of the theater was the drama “Abylay Khan” by A. Kekilbayeva
Kostanay Regional Russian Drama Theater
Kostanay Regional Russian Drama Theater originates from 1922. The opening of the first stationary theater was held in April 1922. Prior to this, the venue for the performances in Kustanai was the People’s House and the city’s leading institutions — the real school, the women's gymnasium.
Kostanay Regional Puppet Theater
Kostanay Puppet Theater opened on December 31, 1986. The performance of A.Sadovsky “Masha and the Bear” became a point of reference in the history of the theater.